Thursday, December 8, 2011

Louisville Water Project

Red Line indicates where 12" water line will run, pipe will be installed using a directional boring machine with 4' of dirt cover so irrigation system should not be damaged.  Blue indicates where 1" line will be snaked through current 6" line to service bathrooms by # 10. Magenta Line indicates new 6" service line that will feed all club buildings except grounds facility.

Practice Bunker

Practice Bunker prior to reconditioning, as you can see face of the bunker is deteriorating and bunker floor is too deep for members to see there practice shots react on the green.
Sod has been stripped and the compact track loader is being used to to do a little re-shaping to improve the practice bunker to benefit Harmony Landings members bunker play.

The bunker project was completed in house with no outside contractor required to do the shaping. Sod was used from extra rolls of zoysia laid out on course from project. Only outside cost was rental of machine and bunker sand.

Zoysia sod being installed.

A depth of  10 inches of compacted sand was placed in the practice bunker. This was done to allow a full season of use before sand will be added annually in March along with a select number of bunkers on the golf course.

Rough sod was installed between the bunker and the chipping green, this area was installed so members can practice close chip shots to the green that imitate shots experienced on the golf course.